seasonshare partners with the Oakland Athletics to provide a seamless, integrated, fan-managed Summer Pass product.
Oakland, CA. – SeasonShare announced they have partnered the Oakland Athleticsto launch A’s Summer Pass, a monthly subscription designed to provide theultimate in flexibility, with easy ticket management through the Ballpark appon your mobile device. The A's will also continue their day of game SeatUpgrade Program using SeasonShare's technology.
"We continue to explore and testopportunities that resonate with the next generation of consumers, anddrive engagement at the ballpark through creative products and partnerships.We're excited to partner with SeasonShare for our A's Summer Pass productand in game upgrade program." said Steve Fanelli, VP of Sales &Business Operations.
SeasonShare’s proprietary technology platformallows teams to deploy innovative ticketing programs to drive increased revenuefrom specific demographics with highly targeted offerings. Leveragingdirect integration with MLB’s Tickets.com platform, teams retain full controlof inventory, pricing, data, and revenues, with the ability to deploy industry-leadingticketing programs like the A's Summer Pass.
“We could not be more excited to partner with the Oakland A’s as our firstTickets.com club and look forward to applying key learnings from past programsto launch a new Pass format that is additive to the business and scalable overthe long term,” said Aaron Holland, SeasonShare’s co-founder, and CEO. “We lookforward to making the fan experience at the Oakland Coliseum more accessible toa wider audience while driving meaningful revenue for the team.”
Key features of the A’s Summer Pass include:
● All Games in June, July, and August included
● Seat upgrades for all Single-Game and Pass buyers
● Tickets are made available directly within MLB Ballpark App
● Seat opt-in and delivery communicated via SMS
● Sit-with-a-friend social commerce functionality
● Secure transactions through the team’s existing payment gateway
About seasonshare
seasonshareis a customizable ticketing technology platform that helps sports teams,entertainment organizations and world-class venues make live entertainment moreaccessible to the next generation of consumers. seasonshare’s suite ofticketing solutions create personalized and flexible ticketing options thatdrive new, younger fans into the venue, leading to increased attendance andrevenue. seasonshare’s products are trusted by organizations and venues acrossNorth America, including multiple MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS, and collegeteams. For more information, please visit www.seasonshare.com.